In het aardige stadje Tamasi, zo’n 60 km ten zuiden van het Balatonmeer, gaat op 2 en 3 april de tweede EK wedstrijd van dit seizoen plaats vinden. Zes Nederlanders aanwezig waarvan Ties Bennink zijn 14e plaats in het Youth klassement hoopt te verbeteren. Datzelfde geldt voor Mike Bokslag (6e Junior E2/3) en Marc Zomer (10e Junior E2/3).
Zuiderbuur Erik Willems leidt in de scratch, waar Dietger Damiaens vierde staat.
Categorie: EK/WK
Tamasi hosts the second round of the Borilli Enduro European Championship 2022
The Hungarian city will be the center of the Enduro European with the EEC ELEVEIT Round # 2 next weekend.
Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd of April the 2nd Round of the Borilli Enduro European Championship 2022 will be staged. In Hungary, in the city of Tamasi, ELEVIT Round 2 will open its doors to the more than 100 riders enrolled in this second act of the continental enduro championship.
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Positieve start in het EK Enduro voor Vilde Holt en Marc Zomer
Het afgelopen weekend stond de eerste wedstrijd van het Europees Kampioenschap Enduro op het programma in het Italiaanse Foggia. Marc Zomer wist hier een top tien plaats te behalen in de J2 klasse en Vilde Holt eindigde als vierde bij de dames.
Op dinsdag reisde Marc af naar Foggia in Italie om daar in het weekend deel te nemen aan de eerste ronde van het Europees Kampioenschap Enduro. Omdat het er nog geen goed weer was, lag er nog een pak sneeuw in de bergen en hierdoor werd de eerste proef afgelast.
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24MX 50cc Trophy starts within the Enduro European Championship
A new trophy, dedicated entirely to the 50 CC, starts within the Enduro European Championship 2022; the FIM Europe, in fact, has created this particular ranking as an incentive for the participation of the youngest riders in the championship, also encouraging the development and use of this displacement often unfairly underestimated. The 24MX 50 CC Trophy, for this year, will take place during the first stage in Pietramontecorvino (Italy) from March 19th to March 20th.
24MX 50 CC Trophy consists of a particular category reserved for all vehicles with a maximum displacement of 50 CC, regularly registered and insured and for all drivers in possession of a regular licence for driving such vehicles and there is not an age limit. The riders that could take part in the competition are those with a FIM Europe Enduro & Rally Promotional (One Event) licence and starting permission issued by FMNs .
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The Enduro European Championship website is online!
We are pleased to announce that the new Enduro European Championship website is online! Within the new platform you will find all the information about races, news, race results, standings, photos, race registration and much more!
Registrations are open!
In addition, we inform you that from today it’s possible to sign up for the championship round of the Enduro European Championship.
From this year, registrations will be on an online system; in the race info page of each event or on the dedicated page “registration” you will find the entry forms to fill out. Once you have filled in the required fields, just click on the “submit” button to confirm your registration.
Payment must be made directly to the motoclub organizer; bank details are available on the SR of each individual event.