Er is ter plaatse regen voorspeld maar dat is op de foto’s nog niet echt te zien. Het zelfde programma vandaag met weer drie ronden en negen proeven, behalve misschien voor de dames die gisteren de extreme niet (getimed) reden.
Hier wat beelden met dank aan Henri Rikhof, Klompen Jarvis en Jenny Jochems:
Categorie: EK/WK
FIM Europe: Enduro 2021 – Castel di Tora / Italy – -Starting a new season al
Uitslag: Scratch / klassen
The best for the guests …
At the opening round of this year’s European Enduro Championship in Castel die Tora, Italy, two riders, who normally do not compete in the European Championship, won: Italian Thomas Oldrati and his team mate Theophile Espinasse from France were also at the start with the Honda factory team from the World Championship. They used the competition “on their doorstep” to train under competitive conditions, because it is still two months before the World Championship starts. Promptly, the two Honda factory riders won first and second place. And actually, it could have been the first three places, but the third rider, the Finn Roni Kytönen, has had, by his own admission, “a stupid crash”, which had thrown him back to fourth place.
But the name Roni Kytönen brings to mind that the Finn had actually become European champion in the overall classification two years ago and then moved up to the Enduro World Championship.
However, the three guests do not get points for the European Championship and so the best rider in the European Championship is the Italian Diego Nicoletti on his Husqvarna.
Only six seconds behind is his compatriot, junior Enrico Rinaldi. Rinaldi placed ahead of Krystof Kouble, the rider from the Czech Republic who had even been fighting for the overall title until his injury two years ago. Kouble finished the day in eighth and fifth place respectively in the European Championship.
Maurizio Micheluz turned out to be a true old master: As the reigning champion in the small two-stroke class, the Italian once again won his class and moved up to sixth and third place respectively in the overall standings, directly behind Kytönen.
A total of 132 riders competed – a considerable number in view of the various international Covid requirements, as some riders had to stay at home involuntarily.
2021 EK enduro Italië: uitslag zaterdag (official)
Uitslag: Scratch dag 1 / klassen dag 1
1. 104 CRISTINI Simone JU1 51’00.75
8. 106 SCHWARTE Max JU1 56’58.46
1. 207 RINALDI Enrico JU2 49’12.56
11. 209 BOKSLAG Mike JU2 54’36.89
14. 211 ZOMER Mark JU2 55’31.90
17. 221 VANDERHEYDEN Mika JU2 59’02.12
18. 218 JOCHEMS Tommie JU2 1:00’17.80
19. 217 KONING Simon JU2 1:02’32.54
250 2T:
1. 301 MICHELUZ Maurizio 250 2T 49’39.78
9. 305 WAGELAAR Ruben 250 2T 1:05’05.05
+250 4T:
1. 451 OLDRATI Thomas O4T 48’06.17
5. 461 DAMIAENS Dietger O4T 51’37.12
11. 455 PITTENS Thierry O4T 53’39.64
12. 456 PITTENS Wesley O4T 53’56.22
1. 503 BELOTTI Andrea SENIOR 54’11.18
14. 513 WILLEMSEN Daniel SENIOR 1:06’41.09
1. 558 MARTEL Justine WOMEN 51’39.12
7. 552 KLINK Nina WOMEN 1:02’15.08 (+5’00)
2021 EK enduro Italië: de kop is er af!
De vroege starters zitten al in de 2e ronde en onze “kopmannen” zijn de heren Pittens en Bokslag en Zomer zo rond een plaatsje of vijftig in de scratch. Daar zitten ook nog wel een paar (andere) WK rijders voor zoals Oldrati (krijgt die punten?).
Hier wat foto’s met dank aan Klompen Jarvis en Hans Jochems:
en twee maal Pittens by Henk Boersma:
2021 EK enduro Italië: zonnige zaterdag?
Om 09:10 uur mag Max Schwarte van start als eerste Nederlander (van de elf Nederlanders totaal) in zijn eerste EK. De opkomst is overigens bescheiden met 132 piloten. Als laatste Nederlander mag een klein uur later Nina Klink om 10:07 beginnen aan de drie ronden van ca 50 km met daarin drie proeven. De volgorde is enduroproef, extremetest en crosstest. Dag 1 volg je via deze link!
Max Schwarte J1
Simon Koning jr J2
Tommie Jochems J2
Bram de Snaijer J2
Marc Zomer J2
Mike Bokslag J2
Ruben Wagelaar 250 2T
Wesley Pittens +250 4T
Thierry Pittens +250 4T
Daniel Willemsen Senior
Nina Klink Dames
en voor België: Mika Vanderheyden J2 en Dietger Damiaens +250-4T