Na 9 proeven vandaag (plus de supertest van vrijdagavond) ging de scratch winst naar Steve Holcombe (E2) met maar liefst 0,27 seconden voorsprong op Bradley Freeman (E3). %0 minuten proeftijd voor die mannen.
Antoine Magain (B) werd 13e en 5e in de E1.
Matthew Van Oevelen werd 9e bij de junioren en 5e J2.
Erik Willems 13e en 6e J2.
Mike Bokslag werd na een leerzame dag 17e in de EY klasse op ruim 6 minuten van de klassewinnaar Claudio Spanu (I).
In de Open klasse ging de scratchwinst naar Dietger Damiaens; Mathias Van Hoof werd 3e.
Categorie: EK/WK
FIM takes control of 2021 FIM Enduro World Championship
The current agreement between ABC and the FIM for the promotion of the FIM Enduro World Championships & World Cups will come to an end at the close of the 2020 season. ABC has been the championship promoter since 2004 and will continue to promote the FIM SuperEnduro World Championship until 2024.
Enduro is the most historic discipline of the FIM, which began in 1913, many years later it remains a discipline much appreciated by both amateurs and professionals of off-road competition.
The FIM will promote the 2021 FIM Enduro World Championships & World Cups and will soon launch a tender
Lees meer ““FIM takes control of 2021 FIM Enduro World Championship ”
EK datums 2021 bekend: FINALE IN HELLENDOORN
De VOORLOPIGE data voor het EK 2021 zijn vandaag bekend gemaakt. Voorlopig omdat er nog geen WK kalender is en die krijgt altijd voorrang. Dat zal ook nog even duren want de FIM is op zoek naar een nieuwe promotor. ABC (Blanchard) heeft geen contract verlenging gekregen. In 2021 hoopt de FIM een nieuwe promotor te selecteren en in dat jaar gaan ze het eerst zelf trekken met de organisatoren in de diverse landen.
Lees hieronder het FIM-Europe persbericht:
FIM Europe: Enduro 2021 – save the place – care for the day
Even though there will be no more European Championship Enduro competitions this season, we are already planning for next year.
Fortunately, we were able to continue the cooperation with most of the organizers.
The Netherlands, the country where we have already had a spectacular final in 2016, is a new addition. The new organizer, the Motoclub “M.C.N.H.” in Hellendoorn is only 30 km north of the former venue.
So the venues are fixed, but the dates could still change, if there is an overlap with other championships.
More information and schedules, results and links, there are always up to date and right on the official website:
Dates 2021
17th/18th of April Castel di Tora / Italy (
26th/27th of Juni Kielce / Poland (
7th-9th of August Plasy / Czech Republic (
1st-3rd of October Hellendoorn / Netherlands (
FIM Europe: No European Enduro Championship – all cancelled
Unfortunately we have to inform you, that it will also not be possible to hold the Enduro European Championship race in Castel di Tora / Italy, which was planned for November.
The local club cannot guarantee to be able to present all necessary official permissions at the time of the event due to the current health situation. But because the organisation has to start already now, the club has cancelled the competition.
Therefore, there will be no race for the European Enduro Championship this year and no champion will be determined.
But ofcourse the dates for next year, for 2021, are already being coordinated internationally.
FIM Europe: Enduro-Championship in Czech Republik cancelled
We are sorry to inform you that it will also not be possible to hold the Enduro European Championship competiton in Plasy / Czech Republik planned in August.
Still the borders are closed – and no one knows when they will reopen.
At the moment, only the date in Castel di Tora, Italy, postponed to 7/8 November remains as the only competition.
More information and schedules, results and links, there are always up to date and right on the official website:
Dates 2020
16th/17th of May Ber / Hungary ( )
27th/28th of Juni Kielce / Poland (
7th-9th of August Plasy / Czech Republic (
7th/8th of November Castel di Tora / Italy (